4 Tips to Help You Increase Your Facebook Page Fan Base

www.mike-hynes.comA Facebook page is a valuable tool for your business, especially if you make full use of it. A  Facebook  page when used correctly can help bring you targeted traffic and increase your sales. But how do you increase your fans? How do you get them to click the ‘like button? You can run contests, share stories, have customer’s appreciation events, etc. The ticket is to keep your fans engaged, and bring more people to your page. Let’s look at 4 tips you can use to increase your Facebook page fan base.

#1 Ask for Help From Friends

Starting a Facebook page is easy. Getting people to ‘like’ it in the early stages can be very difficult. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends for their help in supporting your page. Ask them to engage in discussion on your page, and return the favor or give them publicity in another form. It’s much easier to ask friends and not have to worry about being accused of spamming.

#2 Take Advantage of Acknowledgments and Tagging

Status tagging is an excellent networking tool and it can be used to drive new traffic to your Facebook page. Don’t be afraid to tag an author or another Facebook page that’s extremely popular to draw attention. However, do this only if you have really good reason to do so.

#3 Make Sure You Participate Outside Your Facebook Page

Use Facebook search and directory to help you locate other Facebook pages in your niche. Then look for public discussions that are related that you can participate in. This is a great way to bring new fans to your page.download movie 47 Meters Down now

#4 Work With Other Facebook Page Admins to Create a Special Event

Collaborate with other page admins to create a special event that can benefit fans from all the pages involved, all the while bringing new visitors that can ‘like’ your page and become your fans. For example, perhaps an online conference could be scheduled that teaches new users how to create a successful  Facebook  page. This would bring new visitors to all the sites participating and those could become new fans. You need to make sure the Facebook pages you collaborate with are in the same niche market or related market as your page. As well, the event you and other admins plan needs to be relevant to all of your pages.www.mike-hynes.com

There you have it. Four tips to help you increase your likes and your fan base.

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