Money Tight? Create Videos For $200

One common misconception of creating viral videos is that it needs to be expensive. In reality, your whole project can be launched for under $200.  Justin Bieber, the teen pop star, started his claim to fame from his bedroom with an inexpensive camera. Today most of his videos have tens of millions of views. So […]


Tips for Video Product Creation – Choose the Right Content

Customers know fluff when they see it-nothing makes us angrier than discovering that we’ve paid money for a lot of hot air when we expected to receive  content.  Just think about the last time you walked out of a movie theater before the end of the film-you felt cheated. Don’t ever make your customers feel


The Importance of Video in Marketing

If you are in the competitive field of Internet marketing, than you have probably realized that you must have the most current and technologically advanced methods of promoting your product or service, while many Internet marketers rely solely on text marketing, there are some that are moving into a modernized way of marketing. This method […]